here it is, 12:33 am and i am still wide awake, wanting to soak up every last minute of the day!
you know, all these years, i've said, "i'm not a morning person." but i feel most alive/awake in the wee hours. midnight to 2 am is my favorite these days.
but with a little daredevil baby that keeps me on my toes, and likes to wake up at 7:30 in the morning, it's getting harder to get through the day with all my brains intact.
poor little one bumped her head on a wooden toy box friday night. had to take her to the emergency room at 9 at night. waited an hour in the emergency waiting room. waited two hours in the triage. she was asleep by the time the dr. came to stitch her up. she slept right through it. 1-2-3 little stitches and we were on our way home.
can i just wrap her up in bubble wrap until she's 30? keep her safe from harm? this little one will slow down for no one. she's meeting life's challenges head-on. literally!