wow, the last time i had time to blog was over a month ago??? time flies...especially in the summer and most certainly with a little baby in the house! as she grows, i'm able to get a LITTLE bit of art in here and there. so over the course of the last two months, i've been slowly adding to a traveling art journal i started which will be passed among friends. i can't wait to see what becomes of it in the end.

so, i've been arting up two journals that will be passed along and documented on the
1001 journals site. it's so easy to start a traveling art journal. you can have strangers sign up and pass it along or close the group to close friends. i chose the latter so that i can keep track of it and be guaranteed its return.

summer is half over and i'm super bummed. but we've still managed to have maya's pool party (she turned 7!) and we've been out and about around the neighborhood for strolls and picnics in the park. i really do wish summer was twice as long. :(

my girls are growing fast! and our family is about to double with the arrival of my step son and step daughter at the beginning of august! we will be a full house again and we're all super excited to be reunited again.

hope your summer days feel twice as long from now until september! soak up that sun and make the most of these warm, beautiful days.

(collage images courtesy of
Teesha Moore and
Paper Imagery Designs...below is a page yet to be journaled on, inspired by
Pam Carriker from the premier issue of
Art Journaling magazine):

also, i thought i'd treat ya'll to a little GIVE AWAY. i used to be (well, still am, technically until July 31) a
Stampin' Up demonstrator and i have some extra 2009-2010 catalogs. so, leave a comment and i will draw names by next weekend. someone will win the current catalog plus i will throw in some random SU goodies (ribbon, scrap book paper, cards, etc). heck, let's have two winners! winner #2 will get a random sampling of my studio goods (scrap book paper, vintage ephemera, collage goodies!). be sure to leave a way for me to contact you in your comment.