i am really having too much fun with my camera phone and the little photo app. it takes your original photos and turns them into instant works of art! it makes them mysterious, moody or just plain fun.
so here are just a few photos documenting the first few weeks of summer. we've celebrated birthdays (above, a friend of mine's son just turned two!)
we've gone for walks. (and gotten a few cuts and scrapes along the way) this photo was altered in iPhoto on my mac. i just played with the contrast, saturation and some other buttons. randomly switched them to the left or right. just to see what would happen.
we've hung out in the park in the shady grass and had picnics and played in the water.
even my sweetheart came out to join us one day! this one reminds me of those old tintype photos or really any photo from the late 1800s that are starting to fade away. (i wonder how our photos and scrapbooks will hold up over time?)

here's sureya in the sun, soaking wet from running through the fountain. just wanted to compare the original with the two different altered versions.
i LOVE this one! the colors remind me of partially-exposed film photos from the 70s.
love the antique look of the light here. you know, you don't have to have an app to do all this funky stuff to your photos. you can also use photoshop and just tweak all the buttons (like for exposure, contrast and the hue, saturation, etc. just randomly start moving the buttons around and see what happens!)
oh, and, yes. i have still been journaling a little each day. i'm still in love with summer. except today we had a little falling out. it was 95 degrees in the shade here in super-humid san jose. so i went from loving summer to almost wishing we were back to spring. but i know when the leaves start to change and the sun starts to set earlier each day, i will be wishing for my summer to return once again!