i received my spring petit inspiration box swap in the mail today from my partner, lelainia lloyd of tattered edge and all i can say is... WOW!!!

the details are so sweet! from the "knob" on the drawer to the washi tape and zetti stamped image on the top. and that's just the outside!
when i opened the box, i found the treasures sweetly wrapped in tissue paper, surrounded by a cool ribbon with the word "believe" on it.
inside i found all sorts of fun and lovely and brightly colored treasures!
there were fabric bits, ribbon, paper, an old coin, lace, shredded money (!), a compas, two cards filled with different colored and patterned washi tape, mesh screen (for making cool prints in my art journal!), and a bag of all sorts of goodies (see detail pic below).
opening this bag was like opening a whole other box of goodies! there were gold foil number stickers, tickets, labels, stickers, letters, you name it! it's really hard to pick a favorite out of all these wonderful bits.
this was a fun tidbit, too! a teeny tiny plastic fish with a cap for a nose! i think it might have held ink at one time? the box and all the goodies are so cool. i'm just going to put it right inside my traveling journal bag because it has everything i need for art journaling on the go!
**WARNING: if you are my swap partner for the petit spring swap, stop reading now if you don't want to spoil your surprise!!**
i had such a great time with this swap. my partners, lelainia and marlene were the best! i had a lot of fun investigating over at their blogs, trying to get a feel for their style, favorite colors, and favorite items. i'm not going to say which box is who's but i did want to share some sneak peeks into both.
i added ribbons, trims and all kinds of little spring-inspired bits that i thought each partner would enjoy.
our group was put together based on our preferences. i think we ended up being the "bright and colorful" and "anything goes" group! it was a fun challenge to put together these boxes and the goodies inside according to each person's likes.
if you haven't done a petit inspiration swap with speckled egg yet, i highly recommend it! these swaps are always so much fun. i have always had the most delightful partners and it feels like a fun little treasure hunt as you put together the boxes and goodies with specific people in mind. you can check out the flickr group to get an idea of how the swaps change with the seasons. heather (of speckled egg) is a great hostess and she does a wonderful job pairing people up and keeping it fun!