Thursday, September 11, 2008

Artfest 2009, Here I Come!!!

I got my registration packet today and I am so thrilled at the thought of another Artfest! I was going to post a picture of the beautiful cover art but then I realized that not everyone has received their packets yet and I didn't want to spoil any part of the surprise! So I took a photo of one of Maya's little octopus toys (which, coincidentally, the same toy appears in the inside of the registration packet!) And here's this year's logo:

Maya asked if she could go to Artfest this year and I told her I'd take her when she was a teenager--to which she replied, "Awww! No fair!" ;) She is a little Artfester at heart and I can't wait for the day she is old enough and we can go together as mom and daughter! This event is something I hold so dear to me and with so little "rites of passages" these days, I am excited at the thought of being able to take Maya one day. I think if I would've known about Artfest as a teen or college freshman, I would've knocked away all the worries and "what-ifs" and just been an art major or gone off to some funky art school somewhere instead of majoring in something "practical" and struggling to make every job I had more "artsy". ;) Oh well, you live and learn! And that's just all part of the fun of life.

I've got flowers on my mind and striking color combos. I kept passing this fire-bright flower every day this summer on the way back and forth to Maya's swim lesson, and I always thought, "I should bring my camera next time." I remembered to bring my camera yesterday on a little walk and I snapped the above photo. I also like those two colors together: a bright crimson and a darkish tealish blue. Might just have to use that somewhere again...

And I've got Mandalas on the brain, too...I'm preparing for Anahata Katkin's Mixed Media Mandalas class which I will be attending next weekend in Cardiff-by-the-Sea, California. I saw this cactus-like plant full of these Mandala blooms and had to snap a photo. It is also strangely reminiscent of a sea creature, too, with tentacle-looking tendrils flowing from behind. A coincidence that Sea Creatures is this year's Artfest theme? Hmmmm....I don't believe in coincidence. Everything seems to be connected in one lovely way or another.


  1. Artfest ... sounds like heaven! Best wishes for a wonderful enriching experience. I'm with Maya - can I hop in your suitcase? LOL! Have fun!

  2. Jennifer,

    Artfest is heaven! :) I think you'd like it. They're still taking registrations! ;)




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