I don't know what to write these days...I barely have time to think let alone write a coherent blog entry. ;) So I will let the photos do the talking.

I've been busy with the little one. She's crawling like a pro now and just started pulling up to a standing position--even letting go and standing for a few seconds (!). She will be walking soon for sure. And she's only 8 months old! We are baby-proofing on the fly as her abilities increase. So besides baby stuff, I've had art on my mind a lot lately. I'm always dreaming of all the things I could be making and doing and sometimes I even find the energy and the time (both at the same time, even!) to start or finish projects.
I have been taking a few online art courses. Perfect for moms of wee ones who can sometimes only find a few minutes in the middle of the night or between naps to piece together a few things. I love the online courses because I can start them and stop them whenever I want and I can watch the videos over and over and over until I really GET IT (because my brain is pretty much mush these days with only 2-3 hour chunks of sleep!).

I participated in a
mini book swap hosted by the ever-so-talented and inspirational
Julie Collings. I have just recently discovered her blog and I must say that I love every post! Not to mention her very lovely
Etsy shop. (I also dream of attending an Art Nest retreat some day.)

I also have a Valentine post card swap to finish up that my art sister Carol is hosting. I'm hoping to make it to our next meeting which is on Valentine's Day! But my mom will be in town that weekend (hopefully!) so I might have to wait until next month to meet with my lovely and talented Bay Area Art Sisters.

I should get some sleep! Baby is sleeping--actually, everyone in the house is asleep right now. My most treasured time of the day. But the longer I stay awake, the more I will be miserable in the morning!

And regarding the art vs baby thing...I've decided not to sweat it that I don't have as much time for art these days. Sureya and Maya are growing so fast--TOO fast. I will always have time for art when I'm old and my children are grown. I want to enjoy my time with my kids and really soak up the goodness of this time. Looking back, I don't think I'll regret not making more art or taking more classes.

But I know I will be sad if I feel I've missed out on the little things: walks to the park, playing "Go Fish" with Maya, Mommy & Me sing-alongs at the library...you know that kind of stuff. But I will continue to scribble here and there in my art journal or help Maya make cute little valentines for her class. Gotta find that right balance. And right now it feels good to let go of the art part--not worry so much about it, at least--and just be happy with the little things in life.