Artfest came and went with the blink of an eye this year! I had a blast and this time around, I had my Bay Area Art Sisters to pal around with (we ended up in a lot of classes together!). I met some new friends and some new sisters joined our lil' group, too! I took three amazing classes from three wonderful, talented teachers...
Day one, I took a class with
Nina Bagley. We learned all kinds of fun and funky ways to make a keepsake book (mine is still in-the-making...but here's a shot of the cover):
Misty Mawn's class, "A White Out" taught me all about how to distress backgrounds and make my canvas look old, worn and grungy (very fun and addictive!), and to paint all in ghostly, peaceful shades of white.

Day three was with
LK Ludwig and we learned all about metal mesh and how to make resists with patina and commonly found objects (feathers, leaves, alphabet stickers, magazine cut-outs, stamps, etc):

This weekend we spent with Raul's family up in Modesto. We had a great time lounging in the sun at Lola's and today we went over to his brother's house to partake in an Easter gathering with family and friends.

Maya played with snails (making them race, makign the big ones give the little ones "snail back" rides...odd girl!) ;) And she made friends with the sweetest neighborhood cat. We wanted to take him home!

And I even got some art done! Worked on some more pages for the
1001 Journals project. It's ready to be sent to the next person (sorry for being a journal hog and taking so long!)

And that's all for now! We start the final count-down for our baby girl...next Thursday I hit the 36 week mark and I think that means that the baby could technically arrive any time now... yikes!